a major renaissance

Dún Laoghaire’s EBLANA CLUB has in recent years undergone a major renaissance putting this long established club to the forefront for debates, public “townhall” style meetings and an important centre for top quality music from Traditional Irish to Dixieland Jazz to classical and all in between.

The club was founded in 1910 and is located in it own premises, the historic Eblana Lodge on Eblana Avenue in the centre of Dún Laoghaire. The Lodge was built around 1830 and it’s first inhabitants were the Switzer family members -the Grafton street retailers once located where Brown Thomas is now trading.

protected for the future generations

The Eblana Club is incorporated as a Company Limited by Guarantee without a shareholding and its property is vested in its members through the company. If the club were ever to be sold, the proceeds must be given to a similar institution or a registered charity. This protects the club for future generations. Membership is open to all subject to an acceptance procedure which takes about one month from application to acceptance.

The club is managed by a Board of Directors, elected annually at an A.G.M. where every registered member has one vote. The only person with a second vote is the chairperson’s casting vote whenever that is necessary.

The club’s meeting rooms are available to all, subject to availability. The club has recently reinvented its fine garden where garden parties, BBQs and other types of social gatherings can be booked.

A coffee dock is at present under construction and should be open to all in the very near future.

As a private members club with a licensed bar, it is necessary for all members and visitors to sign-in at the door.